Many of you know that I went to Bible College in British Columbia. I made lots of friends there, but moving back to Ontario and staying here, well, I lost touch with many of them over time. Now, because of Facebook, I am begining to find many of those friends! One of them is Corinna. She's an amazing mom of 4 kids, and wife to Keith (who's romance story is similar to mine!). Most recently she started a blog all about her daughter, Emma. Emma has scoliosis. Yesterday she underwent a grueling day long (I believe like 8 hours or more!) spinal surgery. Emma's story can be found
HERE! I would like to encourage you to pray for Emma, her parents, and her other siblings. This was HUGE. GOD WAS AMAZING!! Sorry, that should read God IS amazing!! He is continuing to provide the peace and assurance that this family needs when they need it! As a mom, I am marvelling at the strength that these parents are showing!! Corinna and Keith, if you happen to be reading this, know that you are being prayed for across the country, and potentially around the world!! There is no other way to describe this, but GOD.